BOLD Speaking & Workshops
Customized opportunities to meet the needs of your community or organization
Lift From Where You Stand with a Customized BOLD Experience
BOLD Speaking and Workshops are designed to provide customized opportunities to meet the needs of your community or organization by advancing the mission and vision of the BOLD Leadership Network.
Examples of those opportunities include the following:
BOLD Speaking & Workshops Topics:
BOLD 1-Day Leadership Development
BOLD Session Topics:
Recruiting and Hiring High Quality Personnel
Supporting Early Career Administrators
Branding and Marketing Your School
Supporting and Retaining Teachers
Staff Professional Learning Opportunities
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Inter-Cultural Development
Garnering Community Partnerships
School Design for Instructional Leaders
Supporting Newcomers
Cultivating Positive School Climate
Instructional Coaching
Special Education
African-American Boys & Literacy
Trauma-Informed Practices
University & College-Focus
Increasing Teacher Education
Major Recruitment
Enhancing Practicum Experience
Leadership Development